Blog News Hospital Sant Kabir Eye Hospital

Free Eye Check-up At Police Chowki By Sant Kabir Eye Hospital : Basti

Free Eye Check-Up Camp Was Organized By Sant Kabir Eye Hospital At Police Chowki Badeban Katra Basti In Which Eye Check-Up Was Performed By Our Optometrists Using Equipment’s Such As Retinoscope To Ensure Accuracy In Results. Get The Best Care For Your Eyes :- Call Us Now You Can Call Us For Any Queries or Questions […]

Ayodhya Phaco Center Blog News Hospital

Free Eye Camp Organized : Ayodhya Phaco Center Eye Hospital

Free Eye Camp Organized By Ayodhya Phaco Center : Ayodhya Phaco Center Eye Hospital Organized An Eye Camp in Tarun block of district Ayodhya in which the eyes of the people of the village were examined moreover the people told us about their eye problems and we tried our best to provide solution to their […]

Ayodhya Phaco Center Blog Sant Kabir Eye Hospital Sunbeam Eye Hospital

Signs Of Cataract : Sant Kabir Eye Hospital

When you develop cataracts, there are several symptoms that may appear, but in early stages, these may be irregular, mildly annoying, or mimic an existing condition like a refractive error. Most cataracts develop slowly, so the symptoms may progress in ways that you get used to easily. If you do not get regular eye exams […]